A budtender isn’t your typical, run of the mill stoner. Sure, they love weed and all things cannabis and wouldn’t hesitate to join you for a sesh if you ask them, but their role involves more than just smoking weed.
Are you wondering what a budtender is, or have you ever wanted to be one yourself?
You’re in luck. Today, we’re going to go over the significant role that budtenders worldwide occupy and everything they do to ensure that customers, just like you get the right product at the right price.
Let’s get into it!
What is a Budtender?

A budtender is any representative that works at a dispensary. Budtenders aren’t medically licensed (although some are), but they’re still able to provide information and context surrounding what to expect from consuming a wide range of cannabis products.
Budtenders tend to be intimately familiar with all things cannabis and provide customers with in-depth knowledge and product recommendations.
If they’re good at what they do, they can even offer specific strain recommendations based on the customer’s experience level and what they want out of their cannabis.
For example, an experienced budtender might recommend the Harlequin strain for a beginner cannabis consumer that’s looking to get high and experience some CBD relief. At the same time, they might also recommend some Bubba Kush for an experienced cannabis user looking to catch up on their sleep.
What Do Budtenders Do?

As we’ve mentioned before, a budtender focuses on the day-to-day handling of transactions at a dispensary and provides customers with product information and knowledge.
They’ll also handle stock and inventory, and keep track of incoming supply and restocking shelves as needed.
On top of handling products, providing recommendations, and processing sales, budtenders are also expected to stay on top of cannabis industry trends.
New product formats, changes in cannabis legislation, and even medicinal benefits need to be kept in mind and considered by a budtender to perform their job effectively.
As a budtender, you need to wear many different hats on the job. Here are some of the things you’ll be expected to do on the job.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Provide customers with detailed product information and product best practices guidelines
- Handle product and process sales
- Providing recommendations based on customer experience levels and objectives
- Verification of identity to ensure customers are of legal age
- Staying on top of cannabis news, legislation, and products
- If working at a medical dispensary, maintaining and updating confidential patient information
- Advising customers on consumption methods and necessary safety precautions to follow
Should You be a Budtender?

Weed is legal across Canada, so nothing is stopping you from pursuing your dreams if you wish to become a budtender.
That said, just because you’re handling weed all day doesn’t mean you’ll be able to smoke it all day!
Being a budtender requires you to be passionate about cannabis to the degree that’s beyond the basics. Just knowing the differences between indica and sativa isn’t enough.
You’ll have to be able to talk about terpenes and how different ones cause various effects in weed. Only smoke joints? Well, you’ll have to start taking dabs too. More and more dispensaries are beginning to carry cannabis concentrates such as shatter, rosin, and HTFSEs.
As a budtender, you’re going to need to be prepared to provide information on ALL cannabis products, not just the ones you personally like to smoke!
Can I Talk to a Budtender Online?
Usually, talking to a budtender will require you to go to a dispensary to inquire about the products. However, if you’re shopping at an online dispensary Canada, don’t worry! You’ve still got options.
Shopping online for weed is easier than ever, and at Herb Approach, you can talk to a budtender via live chat almost anytime you’ll like!
Not only are they well-versed in all things cannabis, but they’re also dedicated blazers themselves, too! From CBD and cannabis concentrates to edibles and dried flowers, they’ll be able to provide you with all the information you need at a moment’s notice.

The next time you’re shopping for weed online at Herb Approach, and you’re not sure what to get, try giving our live chat feature a try and see if one of our lovely budtenders can help get you sorted!
Not only are they experts on all things weed, but they’ll also help you navigate all the special promotions available on our website to ensure that you get the most bang for your bud and the best deal available!
We are passionate about giving our customers the best available pricing regardless of the size of their wallets. Herb Approach offers exclusive deals regularly to ensure that you can enjoy your favourite icky sticky, whatever your specific price point.

Whether it’s our daily or flash deals, we guarantee you’ll find something to wet your weed whistle!
Budtender – Keeper of Nugs, Tender of Buds
While the position of budtender may not have been as illustrious as you might have originally thought, the job is essential nonetheless.
Being a proper budtender is difficult, and keeping up with cannabis trends and news off-hours can be exhausting.
However, if you’re truly passionate about cannabis, helping customers find the right strain for their pain can be extremely rewarding.
Regardless of your reason, we hope that this article helped shed some light on the life of a budtender.
If you want to talk to one yourself, just hop onto Herb Approach and live chat will help get you on your way!