There are factors to consider when growing your cannabis plant, it can be tough to know where to begin. Consider the light, humidity, CO2…the list goes on and on. But of all the things you need to think about when growing weed. Knowing when to harvest marijuana, is one of the most important.

We won’t lie; harvesting cannabis buds isn’t easy. There are different factors to consider first before picking your plants. As well as drying and storing them for a later date. No matter what type of grower you are (newbie or expert). This article will give you some useful tips on how and when to harvest marijuana. That’ll make your next batch even more impressive than the last one!

Best Time to Harvest Marijuana?

When is the best time to harvest marijuana? Well, the short answer is, there isn’t a specific “best time”. The actual best time to harvest weed will depend on a few different factors.

Specifically, these factors include your strain of the marijuana plant, the condition of your plants, and the current weather conditions. If you want to get the most out of your marijuana harvest time. You need to understand that there is a very delicate balance between harvesting too soon and harvesting too late.

This is especially true if you’re growing cannabis indoors. For outdoor growers, harvesting too soon isn’t as much of a problem because the plants naturally produce more THC towards the end of the growing season. But indoor growers (particularly those growing in artificial light), need to be more careful about harvesting at the right time.

Indoor Marijuana Harvest
Indoor Marijuana Harvest

When Should You NOT Harvest Your Marijuana?

There is an old adage in growing marijuana that says “you can never harvest too late, but you can always harvest too soon”. This means that, when it comes to harvesting your weed, it is best to leave it in the growing cycle for as long as you can.

This will give the buds as much time as possible to grow as large as possible, resulting in higher yields. On the other hand, there are certain points when you shouldn’t harvest your weed at all. You shouldn’t harvest new plants when they’ve only got two leaves. You shouldn’t harvest plants that are wilted or drooping. And you shouldn’t harvest plants that have spider mite infestations or mould.

When amber trichomes begin to outnumber milky-white trichomes, the THC within the plant begins to degrade. It will also begin to take on somewhat of an unpleasant taste when smoked.

Timing is Everything: What to Look for When Choosing a Harvest Date

  • Bud Size: When it comes to harvesting your cannabis. You don’t want to cut it down before it has reached its full potential. This means waiting for the buds to mature fully. You can tell when buds are ready for harvesting by looking at the size of them. If they are roughly one inch in size or larger, you should be ready to harvest.

  • Colour of Buds: The key to harvesting cannabis plants is by looking at the colour of the buds. Buds that are a dark green colour are ready to be harvested. Whereas buds that are lighter in colour are still immature.

  • Trichomes: Yet another factor you need to watch out for when it comes to harvesting plants is the presence of trichomes. Trichomes are the little resin glands on the outside of the buds that turn sticky-icky when the marijuana plants are ready for harvesting. To properly view the trichomes, you will need some kind of magnifying glass.

  • Growing Conditions: You should also consider the growing conditions of your plants when choosing when to harvest your marijuana. If you have plants that are growing in shadier areas, they will likely be ready to harvest earlier than the ones growing in direct sunlight.


Harvest time Trichrome
Harvest time Trichrome

When to Dry and Store Marijuana?

There are a few different ways you can go about harvesting your plants, but the most common are picking the buds and using drying and curing facilities.

If you’re picking your buds, you should be aware that you will get the best results if you leave them on the plant for at least three days before harvesting them. You should also be sure to avoid harvesting your buds when they are wet.

The last thing you want to do is leave them out in the rain! When you’re harvesting cannabis, you want to be sure that you are removing the buds gently but firmly. The last thing you want to do is damage the plant, which will result in a less potent harvest.

The Importance of Selection and Strain Selection

When you’re choosing which plants to harvest, you should always go with your strongest and healthiest plants. Weak and unhealthy plants will produce a sub-par harvest, so you want to be sure to pick the best specimens you can find.

If you’re growing indoors, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your plants are as healthy as possible. You can supplement your plants’ diet with nutrients and minerals, or you can use CO2 generators to increase the amount of CO2 in the air.

For outdoor growers, the most important thing is to choose a strain that is best suited for your climate. For example, if you live in an area that gets a lot of rainfall, you should avoid growing an indica variety because they don’t do well in wet conditions.

Magnifying Glass for Marijuana
Magnifying Glass for Marijuana


There are so many things to think about when growing weed, but one thing that holds true for all growers is the importance of timing. The best time to harvest marijuana is when the buds are fully grown and ready to be harvested.

When it comes to harvesting your cannabis, you want to be sure that you are removing the buds gently but firmly. You should also be sure to leave the buds on the plant for at least three days before you harvest marijuana plants, and avoid harvesting your buds when they are wet.