Saturday, May 4, 2024
Home Education Page 12


Reefer madness is a movie that's almost a century old, but whose consequences the cannabis world is still suffering from today. Here's how weed got twisted.
Also known as tobacco joints, splifs are an alternative smoking method that adds nicotine to the mix - but are they worth it? Here's what we think!
Suffer from cottonmouth frequently whenever you light up? Here are some tips and tricks to survive the ordeal and come out on top. Check it out!
As a dried product, answering the question of can weed go bad is difficult to answer. Believe it or not, weed won't stay fresh forever, so here's what to do
You always hear people talk about dank weed, but what really constitutes some bud as dank and others not? Here's our take on the dank weed debate.
THC vape pen type of vaporizer designed specifically to vaporize THC oil and distillates. Here's what you need to know about it.
Is weed legal in Canada? Since the advent of legal cannabis in Canada, many regulations and restrictions have been made following the Cannabis Act. On October 17, 2018, the first waves of legal cannabis products entered the market with underwhelming results....
Ever been caught in a room with a bunch of people going nuts with their weed, only to feel a bit woozy yourself? We call that the contact high. In other words, the contact high is the intoxication through...
Cannabis 2.0 introduces many new products to the Canadian Cannabis scene, but is the hype surrounding it really newsworthy? Here's what you should know.
Cannabis for sleep has been used as a sleep aid for thousands of years. Don't poison your body with Nyquil - try a natural approach to getting some rest!